Category Archives: Seniors

Santa Rosa Senior Portrait Photoshoot: Tanner

It’s so fun to take sonoma county senior portraits. I get to meet so many seniors, so excited to finish high school and start their “real-life” journey! Some know what they want to do, and some don’t. It’s fun to talk about all their plans, fears, dreams, unknowns, and really get to know each of them...

Sonoma County Senior Portraits Compilation

There are so many great Sonoma county senior portrait photographers and I am just so humbled to be among them! I decided to try out a senior rep program this year, and so far it’s gone extremely well. I asked for 2 interested upcoming seniors to contact me, over on my facebook page, and I...

Sonoma County Senior Portrait Photoshoot: Christa

Christa is such a strong, motivated girl. She graduated from SSU in just 4 years (which is actually difficult to do these days–took me 5.5!) with TWO degrees. She plans on teaching at the elementary level (I think she said 2nd grade, but I can’t remember for sure). We met at Paradise Ridge Winery in...

Sebastopol Senior Portrait Photoshoot: Brooklyn

I met Brooklyn and her family a couple years ago–I photograph a LOT of these family members, and am really close with Julie’s nephew and wife (I photographed their wedding last summer). Brooklyn is so genuinely sweet…I totally enjoyed talking with her, and hearing about her post-high-school plans. She’s a great soccer player, and will...

Sonoma County Senior Portrait Photoshoot: Bailey

Bailey is the cousin of a good friend of mine, and she & her mom Julie drove up from Foster city for her senior photos. We had a blast! Julie’s mom joined us for a few photos, and I thought it was really special to have Grandma in some photos with Bailey. Graduating high school...

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, wife, and dog mom. Lover of golden hour and happy hour.



