Tag Archives: baby photoshoot

Santa Rosa Newborn Photoshoot: Parker

I photographed Parker in his Mama’s belly, and got to shoot his newborn photos in his home. He was the perfect baby, slept beautifully, didn’t cry, and peed on Dad right at the end 😉 Look at that gorgeous head of hair, too! We got some great shots of Parker by himself, with his parents,...

Sonoma County Infant Photoshoot: Camila

Magali contacted me about doing photos of her baby, Camila, who was about 6 weeks old. She was just about 2 months when the shoot actually rolled around, and I just fell in love with her gorgeous face. Magali cracked me up–she said that Camila had so much attitude and was such a Diva, that she...

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, wife, and dog mom. Lover of golden hour and happy hour.
