North Bay Newborn Photographer: Roberts Family

OK. So. I got a new lens the day before this session. And it was not inexpensive, by any stretch of the imagination. I always second guess myself when I make purchases like this, because I’m not very good at spending large chunks of money at once, OR at buying things that aren’t on sale. With much encouragement and reassurance from my fiance, I bit the bullet. And oh man, am I in love…

I met the Roberts family at their home for newborn photos. Talk about an easy session! Baby girl was soooo sleepy, she did great! She wasn’t very happy in the basket though, so I used one of my oldest tricks in the book…I had daddy lay down, put the fur blanket over him, and baby on top on his chest/stomach. Works like a charm every time! Calms baby down, keeps her comforted, and makes this photographer very happy with some gorgeous shots. I included a behind-the-scenes shot in here to show you 🙂

You all know I love dogs…so I was very happy to meet Simba. I learned quickly, though, that Simba’s not too fond of his new sister…he’s not quite sure what to think. So I was thrilled when he sniffed & kissed her at the end of our shoot. So adorable.

Thanks guys, I so enjoyed meeting all 4 of you!

North Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn Photographers

North Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn PhotographersNorth Bay Area Newborn Photographers

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
