Danielle & Luke were married at their property in Sonora, CA. I’m from Merced, which is about an hour away, so I had originally planned to stay at my Dad’s house the night before/of the wedding. I ended up deciding to just trek there and back in one day which made for a long day, but it was totally worth it. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, some of my favorite decor and setup I’ve seen, and Danielle & Luke were an amazing bride and groom to work with. They had traveled over from Sonoma County that week to get everything ready and set up, and majority of the guests came from out of town, too. Danielle’s style totally showed through all of the decor. I think this is probably the most shots I got of the setup, because it was really that gorgeous! They did a fantastic job.
The only bridal party consisted of Danielle’s son, Braydan. He’s hilarious and adorable, and it was so fun watching him interact with his momma throughout the day. Danielle’s dress was absolutely stunning, and she actually walked down the aisle barefoot. LOVE! I felt so bad because I had forgotten she was barefoot, and we trekked up across the road to do photos and she got a couple of sharp stickers in her feet. She was a total trooper though, didn’t even complain! Everything was absolutely stunning, the vibe from the guests was full of love and support, and everyone really seemed to be enjoying themselves. What more can you ask for on your wedding day?!
Danielle & Luke, you guys are the best. Thanks so much for having me be apart of your day! I SO enjoyed it. Can’t wait to meet the new addition this year! <3
Here are some of my favorites from the day (note: image quality reduced for faster load times)