I first met Jen when we did contracts/deposit for her upcoming wedding this September. I’m all set to shoot it out in Bodega Bay Labor Day weekend, and can’t wait! It’s gonna be a good time, I can just tell from how Jen is. She is so relaxed, easy going, and fun to be around! When booking all the wedding stuff, we also scheduled time to do her newborn photos, as she was pregnant with her son, Greyson. We picked a day when she’d also have her daughter, Taylor, and everything went GREAT. Miss Taylor is a natural in front of the camera, and you can tell how much joy she gets out of being a big sister. She loves to be near Greyson, and help with anything she can. Newborn photos with an older sibling are so fun…you get to see their pride beam when they talk about their new little forever friend! So sweet! One of the funniest things from this shoot…Greyson got sooo comfy right at the end. He was literally just SO content in that basket, it was incredible! Never even stirred. I felt so bad when it came time to leave, I almost gave them the basket! I just couldn’t bare to make him move, but luckily Jen just swooped in and picked him up.
I loved hanging out with you guys! Thanks for having me over. Here are some of my faves: