Round Barn Engagement Photoshoot: Andrea & Josh

Andrea contacted me about shooting both her wedding & engagement photos, and after messaging back and forth for a bit, I was super excited! She is getting married at a place pretty close to my house, that I drive by ALL the time when they are having weddings! I love it! We met at the Round Barn in Santa Rosa in Fountaingrove for their photos, and had a great time. They went up to change into some fun giants gear for the second half of their shoot (I waited in the shade) and when they came back Andrea told me that she was telling Josh how excited she was, and that they definitely picked the right photographer for their wedding–that gave me some super feel-goods! I love their fun personalities, the fact that they have been together for like 11 years, and how small of a world it is –we figured out a million people we knew in common, AND Josh works for UPS and delivers to my office sometimes, and we’d totally seen each other before. So crazy! Thank you guys for a super fun day, for not laughing at me when I fell, and for getting me all excited for your big day in 2015!

Oh and here’s a fun PS: We took these photos just before the start of the world series (I think, or just after it started) and the Giants ended up winning. Last year, my boyfriend and I got photos done at Fenway Park in Boston, the night before game 1 of the world series, and the Red Sox (my team!) ended up winning the world series. Moral of the story, if you want your team to win the world series, get your photos done in their gear in October 😉

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.



