Pezzi King Winery Maternity Photoshoot: Annii & Joel

I met Annii & Joel at Pezzi King winery in Healdsburg, off of West Dry Creek Road. I had actually been up there once before, as my friend stayed in their guest house during barrel tasting! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this place. We were there at the “golden hour”, and Annii’s sister works there so we had access to the whole place! She even drove us around on a gator cart, it was so awesome! When I pulled in I was instantly giddy in my car, clapping and squealing when i saw the light through the trees. I had such a great time with these two, and really was put at ease when I met them. So fun, friendly, and excited for their new baby! Can’t wait to meet the little bundle of joy soon for newborn photos! Here are some of my favorites from their maternity shoot:

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
