Santa Rosa Family Photoshoot: Kelly & Family

Kelly is a co-worker of mine at my “day-job”, in Santa Rosa. She has three great kids who I just adore! They are so sweet, kind, and well-mannered. I had a blast photographing them, and watching them all, interact with one another! It’s alway so fun to see a co-worker outside of the office…and sometimes...

Windsor Newborn & Family Photoshoot: Timmy

Oh, where do I begin about this family….They have been with me from the very beginning. I shudder sometimes when I look back on some of the first photos I did for them. I have really come a LONG way, if I do say so myself! I have done their maternity photos, family photos, and...

Sonoma County Newborn Photoshoot: Mila

I met Mila’s parents a couple months ago, when I did their maternity photos at a beautiful private property with a barn in Windsor. They brought along their cute little dog Doddi, and we had a great time. I got an email not too long after from Tina, telling me she had gone into labor...

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
