Sonoma County River Glamour Photoshoot: Madeline

Madeline is my “cousin” (you know, one of those family relationships where we’re not blood related, but “family-friend’ just doesn’t cut it), and is a gorgeous girl inside and out. She and her friend Stephanie, a local stylist, wanted to set up a shoot to showcase Stephanie’s work. We went to Madeline’s house on the Russian River in Healdsburg, and had a blast! My two best friends came along and were a huge help with props & lighting assistance (thanks Melissa & Jessica!) and local signer VickiB (Victoria Bratton) was there too, a big help with posing and overall positivity of the day. Lots of creativity from a variety of artists went into this shoot…and we had such a good time. The weather was perfect, the location was perfect, and the energy was beyond perfect. Thanks ladies! Oh, and a special thanks to Tristan St. Germain for her costume (pink/orange). Second costume was made by Madeline herself! Here are some of my favorites:


&& My absolute favorite:


Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.



