Cloverdale Mountain House Estate Wedding: Andrew & Sam

I met Sam and Andrew a few years ago, as Sam is very close with my BFF Jocelyn (who was a bridesmaid in this wedding). We LOVE getting to hang out with these two. My husband and Andrew talk about all things outdoors, hunting & fishing, and Sam is one of those people who just makes you feel special and loved just by being in her presence. Not exaggerating, she really does! I did their engagement photos last year and was super excited when they asked me to photograph their wedding. Their love story truly is incredible…their families have known each other for years. Andrew’s Grandma actually threw Sam’s mom’s baby shower when she was pregnant with Sam. Sam wrote a note in her journal when she was 6 years old (that was proudly displayed at the wedding) reading, “On Saturday I am going to the Roberts to swim with Andrew Roberts. Were going to have dinner with them. After that we will be going home.” These two re-linked up a few years ago at a Giants game, and as they say, the rest is history. The best part really is all the history before it, too. Their Mountain House Estate wedding in Cloverdale was amazing!

I loved so many things about this wedding, but I’ll name a few here:

-Sam is as dog obsessed as I am. At our friend Jocelyns bachelorette party we talked about our labs in the corner for a solid half hour. She had Tucker, her yellow lab, before she got with Andrew so his name was always Tucker Westhorpe (her maiden name) and his collar only had her phone number. Andrew wins Groom gift of the century in my book, as he gave Sam a new collar for Tucker that now said Roberts as his last name, and displayed both of their phone numbers. Yes, I cried. Oh, and he gave her fireball. Double win! {I took their phone numbers out for privacy}

-Ice cream bar for the reception instead of a cake. Need I say more?

-The officiant was a friend of the bride & groom, and got introduced with the Maid of Honor. Upon spinning her, he iced her–handed her a bottle of Smirnoff Ice that she needed to down. It was a big one too. So hilarious. I just learned about the whole icing thing a few weeks ago, so I thought this was pretty hysterical. Everyone knew it was coming, except for her.

-Both of their families are fun and hilarious. Sam’s brother was making a face at me behind Andrew’s head during the ceremony (see below) and I almost laughed out loud when I finally saw and photographed it. Andrew’s Mom had a blast during the mother/son dance, and kept it fun and light. Sam’s grandpa was so sweet and kind, and was probably my favorite guest to photograph. I have a soft spot for Grandparents 🙂

-Andrew’s ring is a duck band. If you’re familiar with hunting, you’ll understand how cool this is! His groomsman gifts were duck straps, too. I shot my first ducks this year so both of these things were super fun, unique, personal touches!

Sam & Drew, you both know I love you to pieces already. I love and believe in your love story more than almost any one else’s! Scout and I both said, this is the wedding to beat this year. So I hope all my 2018 couples are up to the challenge!

Here are some images from the day (please note, image quality reduced for faster load times)

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Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
