I’m almost always behind on blogging. It’s not that I don’t like it, or that it’s not important, but it oftentimes just takes a backseat to actual photographing, editing, my day job, my fiance, my social life, my dog, burning/mailing discs, updating website galleries, website maintenance, cleaning my house (who am I kidding, NOTHING seems to take a backseat to that) and everyday life. So, with that being said, these are photos of one of my best fiends, Melissa, pregnant with her first child. Baby Patrick is here now, and he is perfect–I’m hoping I get to finishing and blogging those photos before his first birthday rolls around, but I’m not making ay promises.
It’s funny how life works…you gain friends, and you lose friends, but some friends just stick. Melissa is one of those friends. We met in 2007 when I moved to Sonoma County to go to SSU, and have stayed tight ever since. She is so much like me, yet so different, and I think we balance each other out well. Her family has become mine, and mine hers, and for that I’m forever grateful. I don’t know if any of you out there live in an area where you have NO family nearby, but it can be really tough. I’ve been in that boat for 8 years now, and while I love Sonoma County and would never leave, I miss my family a LOT. Especially my dad, who’s about a 3.5 hour drive away. I’m lucky he’s that close in the grand scheme of the world, but you know what I mean. I’m eternally thankful for the Soldati family. I call Melissa’s parents my Santa Rosa Mom & Dad, and they’ve always given me a place to go and a place to call home. I have a key to their house, feel so comfortable in their presence, have adopted their whole extended family, have enjoyed many meals and a few holidays with them, and now get to be auntie to sweet baby Patrick Michael.
Isn’t life great?