Sonoma County Kids Photoshoot: Cousins Ava & Penny

Ava and Penny are cousins–and cute ones at that! I know Jenny, Ava’s mom, through friends and have done their photos before. I photographed Ava in her mom’s belly, and it’s so fun to watch her grow! I know I say that a lot, but i really mean it. It’s something really special, getting to be apart of all these kids lives and sometimes even photograph milestones or special occasions for them. In this case, I got to photograph a birthday present for Grandma. Ava & Penny {and their mommies} met me at one of Sonoma County’s parks, and we snapped some shots of the adorable girls. I loved watching them explore together. They held hands, ran, and communicated with one another like only little girls could. They are both so spunky, and full of life. Oh, and Penny hugging and kissing Ava, was probably one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! I swear, I say it all the time at shoots: photographing cute kids is NOT good birth control!

Happy {belated} birthday, Ava & Penny’s Grandma! I hope you enjoyed the photos of your beautiful grand babies. Here are some of my favorites:

{oh, and the BEST people have birthdays in September}

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Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
