I’m totally having too much fun lately with blog posts. I’ve been SO lucky to have shot engagement and family photos for good friends over the course of the last month. It’s been so fun to reconnect with everyone, and I’ve really enjoyed our time together! Maybe even more so, though, I’ve enjoyed sharing old photos of these people, and reminiscing on how we met and how our friendships evolved. You saw it with Courtney last week, and you’ll see it with Jocelyn next month. But right now? Right now, you get Mike:
I met mike my freshman year at SSU, living on campus. We clicked and stayed friends ever since! He’s the friend that no matter how much time has passed since you’ve seen him, you feel incredibly lucky to have him on your team. He is selfless, caring, genuine, and funny! So it’s only fitting that he has found those qualities, and MORE, in Megan. When I say that I am lucky to have Mike as a friend, that is only outdone by how lucky Mike is to have Megan. She is easygoing, fun, hysterical, and REAL. Plus, she’s from my hometown so I gotta give her extra love for the 831 😉
Mike once picked me up from the San Jose airport, let me stay in the guest house (which was his bedroom) at his parents house while he slept on a couch in the main house, and drove me to my Aunt’s house the next day in Santa Cruz. He used to let me borrow his car when we lived on campus, and we’d leave “No Air” by Jordin Sparks on full-blast when we turned the car off. He convinced a group of guys that girls could really know about baseball, and to let me join their fantasy baseball league. He brought me an entire bottle of Ibuprofen after a rough night when I dove head-first into the campus swimming pool, and busted my head open. He came running, literally, on Halloween when my roommates and I were convinced there was someone hiding in our dorm room (dressed as a chef, whisk in hand). He wouldn’t accept any money for the Blake Shelton concert we all went to (from both me and my friend Melissa), and let a large group stay at his parents house where his mom cooked us breakfast the next day. This is just a handful of stories I can come up with off the top of my head, so you can understand why I say I’m lucky to have Mike, and now Megan too, as friends. I can’t wait for their wedding in Healdsburg in October, which I’ll be attending as a guest! They came to Sonoma County and we had a great time doing their engagement photos. I think my favorite pictures are the ones of them laughing, cuz it’s just totally who they are. Especially when they’re laughing REALLY hard. Oh, and Megan? Yeah, i’m convinced that when she’s not working as a Nurse, she is modeling. Like, she has to be. JUST GORGEOUS.
Love you both, cheers to the big day!