Jen is a friend of a friend, and we’ve hung out together a few times. She’s always positive, always smiling, and fun to be around….so, naturally, so are her two kids, Ava & Brady. We had a great time together at this little run-down barn in Santa Rosa, and Brady and I especially had fun–he was super interested in pressing buttons on the camera, taking pictures of his sister, and holding the camera. It was so cute! He would come sit in my lap and I had his mom snap a couple photos of us together, one of which I shared on my facebook page and will share as the first image of this post… It’s so fun to connect with kids like that.
Thank you Jen, you are the best. I SO appreciate you and your kinds words. <3

Here’s a photo that Jen took of Brady & I, with him learning the in’s & out’s of my camera. LOVE.