San Francisco City Hall Wedding: Jose & Angelica

I met Angelica a few years ago when I did a session for her & her family, and instantly loved her outgoing, bubbly personality! Fast forward a couple years, and Angelica messaged me to ask about photographing her civil wedding at SF City Hall. My first thought? I thought you were already married! LOL she and her (now) husband Jose have been together like 10 years and now have 3 children together, they were just making it official! My second thought? UM YES! San Francisco City Hall is absolutely stunning–if you’ve never been, the architecture alone is worth seeing! It’s gorgeous and I’ve been dying to shoot there for a couple years now!

I made sure to get there extra early–you NEVER know about parking in the city! Angelica & Jose had a little different experience getting there, however…they got pulled over! They turned down a wrong lane (so easy to do in SF, I mean, come on) and the officer let them off with a warning. He told Jose, “It looks like you’re already in enough trouble today!” HA! Love that.

Loved the small, intimate setting of this ceremony. It was just the Angelica, Jose, their 3 kids, Angelica’s sister, and me!

Thanks for a great time guys–I had an absolute blast just hanging with you guys and exploring that gorgeous building.

Congratulations on FINALLY tying the knot! 😉

San Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographerSan Francisco city hall wedding photographer

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
