Crane Melon Barn Wedding: Nate & Chelsie

Oh boy, where do I begin. Chelsie was one of my first clients when I started my biz 4 years ago. TIME FLIES! I was so happy to photograph their wedding–I photographed her brothers wedding, her entire family, her cousin’s senior photos, and I just booked another cousin’s wedding for 2017. So exciting!

Their wedding was at Crane Melon Barn in Rohnert Park, in beautiful Sonoma County. I love the setup there, and the staff is always so friendly and helpful–this was my 3rd wedding there! Chelsie looked radiant, and Nate was a bride’s dream groom–fun, relaxed, and EMOTIONAL. Every time his mom looked at him, he cried. When he looked at Chelsie, he cried. When his Grandmother was mentioned (numerous times, she really must have been a special lady!) during speeches, he cried. It was so sweet, and so poignant.

Chelsie told me that her Grammy wasn’t doing well before the wedding, and to try to get some good shots of her if I could. I’d met her Grandmother numerous times, and always thought she was the sweetest, most loving lady. Well, sadly, Chelsie messaged me just 6 days after the wedding to tell me that Grammy had passed on. I am absolutely devastated for the entire Fisicaro family, but am so glad she was able to hang on for her Granddaughters big day.

Love you all! Thanks for another great family event <3

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Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
