Merced 2nd Birthday Photoshoot: Nolan

2nd birthday photo ideas:  My Godson turned 2 y’all! I know, doesn’t it seem like just yesterday I blogged about his first birthday party? It does to me! We went down to Merced for sweet Nolan’s birthday again this year, and he had a little bit smaller party than he did for the big 1st birthday. Thank god it was a pool party–it gets hot in Merced in the summers in case you didn’t know. Once again we took some time the next day to take some pictures of his adorable self. His Grandpa Bob’s girlfriend, Toni, made the ADORABLE giant 2 for his party, all with pictures of his life (and pre-life, with even some of his mommy’s maternity photos in there, too!) and his Grandpa Bob got him a motorcycle. This kid is seriously loved! We used the hate & tie again this year, just like we did last year, and plan to do so every year. It was Nolan’s Great Grandpa’s tie & hat, and he never got to meet him. Bob Malone Sr. was an incredible man who is so missed and loved (including by me!) and I’m so happy to help honor him in some way. Nolan, however, was not interested in wearing the hat LOL. Bring on those so-called “terrible two’s”!

I love you sweet Nolan! We are all so lucky to be in your life! Check out the first picture–it’s a combo/progression of pictures I’ve taken of Nolan each year…..1 month old, 1st birthday, and second birthday 🙂


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Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
