Merced Proposal & Engagement Photoshoot: Greg & Katie

Greg & I were very very good friends in high school. We hung out all the time, and even went to Sadie Hawkins and Prom together my Senior year, Greg’s Junior year. We’ve always been tight, gone to A’s/Red Sox games together, he visited me at SSU my freshman year, and we’ve always kept in touch. I love him! He’s like the little brother I never wanted 😉

Here are our dance photos, just for fun:

Greg contacted me to photograph his proposal to his amazing girlfriend Katie, and I was instantly PUMPED! We planned it to happen in Merced when I was going to be home for Thanksgiving, and decided on the bridge at Lake Yosemite in Merced. My boyfriend Joe and I got there early to make sure we were set up, and he served as my decoy that I was photographing:

Greg & Katie came along shorty, right where we had planned ahead of time…

Greg and Joe had met once before, and Greg even yelled down to Joe, “Catch anything?” Joe said he got nervous when he realized who it was, and that it was showtime, and had to play it cool. He told I’m a couple, but not for awhile (which was true). I yelled down, to keep up the rouse, “Yeah, you have to catch something if you want me to photograph you with fish!” Just then, he caught one! It was incredible. Then Greg & Katie went and looked at the water on the other side, and I pretended to be photograph both Joe, and the tower on the other side of the lake, just past where Greg & Katie were standing.

Then, the best part:

Then Greg yelled over to me, said hi, and I said, “OK, can I know you now?!’ Katie looked so confused, but he said, “It’s DJ!” and she got it. We had never met, but she knew of me and had seen photos. It was a perfect time to meet.

Everyone in both of their families knew about the proposal, except for Katie of course! Her Mom called a few times, and she finally had to answer:

We snapped a couple more photos of the two of them together, before we all went off to enjoy our Thanksgiving dinners. Greg & Katie’s families were all meeting for the first time for Thanksgiving…so sweet!

The day couldn’t have been more perfect. I love you guys, and am so happy for you!

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, student advisor, and social extrovert. Lover of golden hour & happy hour.
