Tag Archives: newborn

Double Newborn Photoshoots

Since I’m behind on blogging (I swear, no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get that sentence out of my vocabulary) I thought I’d combine these two newborn sessions. They were shot only a day apart, and were SO different from one another! That’s what I love about this job–the versatility! You...

Rohnert Park Newborn Photoshoot: Knox

I absolutely adore this family. I’ve done photos for them numerous times, and always enjoy our time together! I photographed Scout & Kurtis the first time for their maternity photos, then I photographed JJ’s newborn photos as well, so when Scout asked me to photograph Knox’s newborn photos, I was beyond excited and of course...

Santa Rosa Newborn Photoshoot: Patrick

My best friend Melissa gave birth to Patrick Michael on 10/9/15. I missed the birth by about 3 minutes–it came so fast! I am so happy for her, and so in love with my newest nephew. It’s amazing, watching your friends become mommies. Melissa was born to be a mom, it just comes so naturally...

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, wife, and dog mom. Lover of golden hour and happy hour.
