Tag Archives: birthday party

Windsor Birthday Party Photoshoot: Rigby

I met Rigby, his mom, & Grandma at a park in Windsor for his birthday photos. I LOVED this idea! Running around chasing kids and really letting them be their true selves–laughing, playing, and showing all their character & personality! Plus, I got to play at the park and on all the structures with no...

Sonoma County 1st Birthday Photoshoot: McCoy

Kerrie and Matilda McCoy turned 1 in July, and I was fortunate enough to photograph the occasion! Their parents are good friends of mine (their dad used to be my boyfriend’s roommate!) and we always have a blast when we get together. This was seriously one of the best first birthday parties i’ve ever been...

Get to know me!

DJ's short for Danielle Joy. I'm a photographer, wife, and dog mom. Lover of golden hour and happy hour.
